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Friday, March 21, 2014

EXO-M's Kris Wu

Real Name : Li Jiaheng (李嘉恒 – Lǐ Jiāhéng) 
Chinese Name : Wu Fan  (吴凡 – Wú Fán)
Stage Name : Kris  (크리스) 
English Name : Kevin Wu/Kevin Li 
Nickname : Cowboy, Dduijang, Benben
Super Power (Badge) : Flight (Dragon) 
Birthplace : Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Date of Birth : November 6, 1990
Height : 188 cm
Nationality : Chinese-Canadian
Position : Main Rapper, EXO-M Leader, Sub-Vocalist
Specialties : Language (English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean), basketball
Hometown : Vancouver, Canada
Facts : He enjoys reading books particularly self-improvement and inspirational.

Blood Type : B

Kris' Facts ;;

-          the more mature girls like Kris and the ~schoolgirls~ like luhan
-          Kris likes to do magic
-          Who is the most popular amongst girls: luhan and kris
-          Kris hopes to have collaborations with SM seniors
-          Kris and luhan are the laziest
-          Kris  says he can fly and he did the flying gesture
-          ideal type: Kris: kind, knows how to cook, fillial and can take care of people
-          Kris likes all his nicknames because his friends also call him a few of those names and they are meaningful to him
-          Tao: Kris is more charismatic so the girls that like him are more old
-          tao said kris always taking care and helping him when he first came to korea
-          Kris introducing himself in Canto
-          luhan say kris will speak when he sleep he will speak in eng mandarin and canto
-          Kris said normally his hand will be on top cause he’s tallest
-          The host was asking Kris to aegyo but he dont want
-          Kris hopes to meet with fans from all over the world
-          Kris nickname is cowboy among members too
-          Kris says there will be OT12 collaborations
-          Kris: We’ve prepared as EXO for a year so they have that bond which is unforgettable
-          fan shouted at kris saying she knows how to cook,is fillial & kind and kris nodded at her then tao turned over and giggled at her
-          kris like to write lyrics
-          Kris’ impression of Lay: Really hardworking and perseveres because Lay practises longer periods than others
-          Kris: Luhan has a manly side and a really cute side as well
-          most fashionable , Smartest and the wittiest is kris
-          Everyone loves kris because kris takes care of them very well, cooking for them and buying them medicine when sick
-          Tao had the deepest impression of Kris
-          Kris composes lyrics and does sports omg
-          Kris helps the members with fashion/shopping
-          Min says Kris is the most wisdom one, he acts like a leader everyday
-          Kris says he thinks that luhan is the ‘cute little prince’ bcs he’s really cute, cool, and manly
-          Kris and Luhan is the craziest member among all of members [exotown]
-          *MC: Then who’s the laziest and sleeps in the most?*Xiumin: Kris.*MC: Kris, you stay in bed the most?*Kris: Me? Yeah, a little. —-
-          Kris’ hometown is Prov. Jiangsu, Lianyungang, not Guangdong.
-          Kris likes the song angel in their album mama the most. He enjoys listening to rap music too. | planet_exo
-          Kris can’t say no to Tao
-          Kris got two famous nicknames~~~’Niu Zai Ge’ which means cowboy,and another one is’JiaoZhu’,means hierarch | planet_exo
-          he enjoys reading books particularly self-improvement and inspirational
-          he’s very social and can talk to anyone
-          other trainees and team members of EXO think of him as a big brother
-          he joined SM by Global Auditions in Canada in 2007
-          Kris looks better in person than on camera, but he never undergo plastic surgery
-          he shares room with Xiumin and Luhan in Korea
-          he shares room with Chen in China
-          the laziest member in EXO-M
-          Kris sometimes speaks when he sleep, he speaks in English, Korean and sometimes even Cantonese
-          he knows magic tricks
-          his ideal type of woman is kind, knows how to cook, fillial and can take care of people
-          he was supposed to be in EXO-K, but due to SM has a large share in the China market, he joined EXO-M
-          Kris says Chanyeol is a very open & cheerful person. He makes jokes to make them laugh.
-          Kris said: We are a group with both chinese and korean members so at the beginning there was bound to be miscommunications but as we worked harder towards our dreams we’ve developed a really good relationship between each other and the communications between us have improved a lot
-          Why is Kris the leader?Luhan answer: Because he is really responsible and takes care of us a lot. Also he’s billingual and since we will be promotion a lot overseas, it’s more convenient
-          Kris are you pressurized by the role of a leader?Kris answer: Er yes, at the beginning when the company appointed me as the leader I was really stressed because I wasn’t sure if I could do the job well but it isn’t as difficult as expected because all the members compromise with me as well, and I’ll just have to do my part well for the team and for everyone
-          Kris call chen with “chen chen” because its cute and he think chen sounds a little stiff, so kris usually say “chen chen come here” LOL
-          Chen call kris with “ kris hiang” and call lay with “ xing xing hiang”
-          Tao said “first time with kris, he felt kris so handsome n cool. N i afraid to approach him. But actually, kris is nice and take care of me”
-          Tao said “when I shopping with kris, girl usually say ‘waaw.. So handsome’ | exo1st
-          Kris is the most articulate and has the potential of becoming a host among the member.
-          EXO-M itself who chose Kris as leader, not the agency
-          When landing luhan took the vomit bag and pretended to vomit in front of kris
-          When boarding the plane Tao banged into the door, and he swayed his arms a lot when he walked. When having his noodles he almost had his while face “in” the bowl. Kris helped him wipe his mouth after that
-          Who cares about apperance the most: Kris
-          Tao: Kris will always fix his hair for a really long time before going shopping with Tao
-          Kris would starting cleaning his face whenever lay is relaxing and doing leisure activities at night
-          Kris says because he misses his family and that’s the hardest part of training
-          They were nervours because there were seniors watching them and they wanted recognition so they had to do well~
-          #SS4INAday1 leader Kris thanked ELF and said ELF r awesome :’D he also said that EXO always love Super Junior!♥ | sment_exo 
-          kris said thanks to indonesia we love indonesia
-          Kris said that he want to come to indonesia again>W< cr: iwuyifan
-          Did you know guys, Kris has a tattoo in his left arm. cr: exoplosion
-          kris said suju gives them good oppurtunities to be gues star in super show n said thanks to suju
-          exo m got poured mineral water by suju. they doing final bow.
-          kris said suju gives them good oppurtunities to be gues star in super show n said thanks to suju
-          SJ threw water on EXO! Only Kris didn’t get any one his hair cos his head is higher than Siwon’s http://t.co/fvrmk8Sv (cr: luhanimnida)
-          120429 Ending Kris: it’s the last day of the concert. We hope we can participate with Super Junior in concerts in the future!
-          Kris’ blood type is O NOT B!!
-          Kris likes to play basketball. He used to be the team captain of one basketball team when he was 15 years old.
-          Kris is the laziest member in Exo-M
-          Kris likes to read comments about him on Weibo, Youtube and SMTown’s facebook.
-          Kris hestitated a bit before taking the coconut drink and when fans told him they were from China Tao laughed [cr: 音乐剧演员金俊秀的饭] | heechvl
-          D.O. was holding a piece of paper with Kris name on it [cr: 音乐剧演员金俊秀的饭] | heechvl
-          Kris is a warm guy~ When the manager hyung wasn’t looking, he secretly accepted the gift! cr. @吴亦凡吴牛仔 trans:fayerielf
-          kris is on phone and just laughed at an sms | yundorphin
-          when EXO-M came back in Korea(in the airport), fanaccount say that Kris protected Tao, hesaid: ”Don’t push him.” (viaohwufantheydidnt)
-          EXO Korean showcase official English subtitle was translated by Kris
-          Chanyeol helped Kris wear a birthday hat
-          The only reason why Kris wears the same pair of shoes is that he is a thrifty, sensible person ever since he was a child. | planet_exo
-          Kris was once so homesick that he was afraid to answer his family’s call because he didn’t want to miss them more and give up on training.
-          When he doesn’t have anything to do, Lay will cook. (Kris likes to cook too, so they cook together? I can hear Tao crying with jealousy lol)
-          Kris likes to perform magic tricks. (can you perform for us? Kris: maybe next time)
-          Someone came out from S.M. and Kris was near the entrance so we called him and he waved. He didn’t notice the auto-door was closing and by the time we told him it was too late and he hit his head on the glass door.”— exo的小管家 (via dancingkyu)
-          kris has a little brother
-          kris  has a dream of being Hollywood artist
-          Kris uses Lab Series Skin Care Brand. cr. KrisMeDarling
-          when asked who changed the most after debut Tao pointed at Kris
-          kris like tomato and peach
-          Tao was asked who is the most disobedient in M and Tao selected Krishttp://t.co/0JSdRoun | heechvl
-          Kris was the basketball team captain, his position was frontline.
-          Kris has lived in Canada since he waslittle, came back to China for 1 year andattended Guangzhou No.7 Middle School for 8th grade Guangzhou No.7 Middle School for8th grade, and then went back to Canada
-          When Kris was about to graduate from 8th grade, all the teachers wanted to keep him so he can continue to lead the school basketball team
-          Kris’ mother really loves him. Every time the team traveled to Beijing to compete his mother would come along and recorded the entire thing.
-          EXO-K Chanyeol about Kris “Even as a man myself, he’s really a handsome man” (The Star interview)
-          Fan: this you right? how come it doesn’t look like your real self?

Kris: hehe, it is me

Fan: I heard that you are the master of tall-rich-handsome so I came to pay my dues] (tall-rich-handsome is a popular slang in China used to describe guys, for girls it’s bright-rich-beautiful)

Kris: aiya, you flatter me, i’m not, i’m not

Fan: I think you are from what I can see

Kris: no i’m not hehe i’m not

Fan: that’s enough, i say you are, so you are

Kris: mm mm *signs picture* then i am… i am…

Fan: all my friends are falling crazy hard for you

Kris: haha, thanks thanks

Fan: don’t thank me

Kris: ah, then no thanks no thanks. hahahahaha

(cr: woo___小龙 trans by: love-exo)

-          “Who’s your favorite super hero?” Kris thought about it for awhile, and said “superman.” (cr: 心悦凡兮trans: love-exo)

-          Kris: I like many… too many artists to be named. I pay a lot of attention to actors too. Tony Leung, Takeshi Taneshiro

-          we used to speak English together in the beginning, so we are pretty close

-          Kris is the most stylish among the members. He usually helps the other members put outfits
-          together or they ask him where to buy clothes.

-          Luhan tried to unbutton Kris’ shirt but Kris blocked him so Sehun unbuttoned his shirt instead.

-          When waiting to board, Baekhyun wanted to talk to Kris and he shouted “DUI ZHANG!!!” and ran over to give him a hug

-          Kris doesn’t like makeup. When he goes out, he doesn’t want any makeup it’s bcs he don’t know how to use makeup. #KrisFacts
-          Luhan and Sehun were sitting together the entire time, and they even went to the washroom together. Kai initially looked really sleepy, but when he went into the washroom, he suddenly started laughing loudly, so loud that we could hear him across the aisle. The thing about Sehun unbuttoning Kris’ shirt actually went like this — little white rabbit (Luhan) started to unbutton it, then got blocked by Kris, and Sehun immediately took over.
-          D.O said Sehun was tall, then Sehun said Chanyeol was very tall, and then Chanyeol said Kris was very very tall~ cr:krischina by:love-exo
-          MC:if you arent EXO-M members now whose fans would you want to become | Kris, Lay, Luhan: EXO | Xiumin: Kris
-          Xiumin would choose Kris because he envies his charisma, knows 3 languages and has the height
-          MC: Who do you have the deepest impression of? Kris: Lay || cr:xiches
-          MC: Who do you have the deepest impression of? | Lay: Kris, Luhan | Lay: Kris was really cold when I first met him but Luhan was really cute cr:xiches
-          MC: Who do you have the deepest impression of? Chen: Kris because he’s really tall and handsome, and not really normal
-          MC: What is Kris’ hobby? Xiumin: Sleeping | Tao: A lot like african drums | Kris: A lot … cr:xiches || omg kris ~~
-          Q: What is Kris’ hobby? | Chen: Watch movie | Luhan: read books | Xiumin: Sleep | Yixing: Act cool | Tao: Plenty. Drums, African drums.
-          Kris liked a dark recording space….
-          MC: What is one thing you want to say to the other members? | Kris: Chen you’re really amazing! | cr;xiches
-          Kris: After debut we all look a lot more handsome cr:xiches |
-          Kris: “I’ll talk about something positive after debuting. Everyone became more handsome” omg v:qorean
-          Xiumin went up to Kris and Tao and said, “After my mom watched videos of us in China, she told me to never stand beside Tao and Kris.” Then everyone burst out laughing.
-          Kris’ high school name is Sir Winston Churchill High School Vancouver Canada
-          When Kris left China, his departure lead to the disbandment of his entire school basketball team.
-          Every time Kris went to Beijing to compete with his school basketball team, Kris’ mother would come along and record the entire game.
-          Tao says he wants to become as handsome as Kris
-          During confession segment Kris said he didn’t want to play and wanted to go home
-          Tao said the reward Kris promised during happy camp was a bowl of noodles cooked by Kris
-          Kris and Luhan pointed at each other when asked who had the best popularity among females
-          kris lowered his head,whether he cried anot the fans didnt managed to see
-          Kris said that he is someone who is not good at saying sweet things.
-          He is the “Fashion King” of EXO-M.
-          He looks really cool, but the fact is, he is an innocent, obedient and naive boy.
-          He said his handwriting bad but not about his drawing skilss lolz.
-          Kris is excellent in basketball, NBA must recruit him.
-          it’s obvious to know if Kris likes that friend. If he likes you he bullies you, if he doesn’t he will ignore you.
-          Kris said what type of apple is tasty, what type of apple is not tasty in his dreams.
-          There was a period of time when the members thought Sehun & Kris looked alike
-          who says Kris & Luhan are not in good terms?
-          Tao doesn’t rely on Kris, he wants to be good to everyone, if he thinks you dislike him, he’ll leave automatically.
-          the fact is kris realize if his own drew really bad and he was laughing for it. Lol
-          Kris slightly fixed his teeth before, but he really didn’t undergo cosmetic surgery, he’s originally like that
-          Kris practiced the rubix cube secretly for a long time, but the rubix cube has a grudge against him.
-          correction, the food that Kris cooks cannot be considered bad tasting, it’s just a bit cute.
-          Exo-M, if they gather at night they’d dim the lights and play some jazz, then drink some chocolate (not childish) .
-          Kris said pandas are cute & the MC pointed at Tao saying he’s a panda but Kris said “He’s a big panda he’s not cute, little ones are cute
-          kirs’s mom hometown actually from nanjing . but kris never go theres
-          Kris don’t think there is any body that can not ppl touch. oh then i know why the fans at airport was really like touch yours.
-          Kris own usual dressing style : European & American style. (trans by@nicole_0514 for @SMent_EXO )
-          Favourite style in today’s shooting  for health magazine : Kris like the one that we sleep together, it feels warm & comfortable . (trans by @nicole_0514 for @SMent_EXO )
-          Kris embrassing moment: There was once when we recorded for a show, my pants ripped off at the knee part, but I didn’t know, I just knew it when I saw pictures on the Internet. (trans by @nicole_0514 for @SMent_EXO ) lol i think i know that moment. It was on smtown concert :P
-          favorite music genre: hip-hop, dance, pop, R&B
-          in his free time he writes lyrics or exercise
-          favorite song from the mini album MAMA: “What Is Love”. I heard if he likes angel ? which one is the truth? -__-
-          Kris said that he’s really grateful to be coming to thailand
-          MC asked fans who is the most handsome guy in EXO fan reply Kris Chanyeol Tao ^^ Cr: Taoxotic via: yahooexomworld and Planet_EXO
-          Kris said that he had moments when he wanted to leave academy and stop being trainee, but because of Tao he decided to stay (cr: ruhans)
-          [FANACCNT] SM town Tokyo : Tao, Kris, Xiumin and Suho stood together, other members stood on the other side of the stage. Tao kept pointing to the fans and whispering with Kris.
-          Tao’s Japanese was really cute, and at the ending he really stuck to Kris like glue
-          [Fanacc] 120804 SMTOWN Tokyo Day 1: Tao was in a pretty good mood; he talked alot to Kris Via: EXO_kiss Translated by @aegyon
-          [FANACCNT] SM town Tokyo : Tao, Kris, Xiumin and Suho stood together, other members stood on the other side of the stage. Tao kept pointing to the fans and whispering with Kris. cre : EXO12KM@weiboengtrans by tuthao 
-          [FANACC] 120805 SMTown Tokyo day 2 : Kris helped Luhan when he was stumbling on the cable line. (cr.白白白牛肉贤;kirahime)
-          Smtown tokyo day 1 Kris did a thumbs up and hugged Amber when leaving the stage
-          Kris calls his mother “老妈”. [cr:elzhs]
-          Kris is good at cooking crab roe fried egg, enoki mushroom, sausage fried egg & black bean noodles mixed with raw egg.
-          on 8 july 2012 Kris using his new bag from his fans at airport . but he use it just once at that’s time lol.
-          Kris and Tao have many pairs of matching earrings, one has the left and one has the right one
-          After debut, Kris doesn’t cook that often anymore but Tao will always be the first to eat.
-          Kris often goes out with Tao, and they would go get bubble tea too.Kris would help Tao choose clothes and accessories that suit him.
-          Tao and Kris like to put their arms around each other.
-          Tao and Kris often take selcas together. Kris is actually a warm person.

source: https://www.facebook.com/notes/

Thursday, March 20, 2014

EXO-K's Park Chanyeol

A guy who is really talented, cute, handsome, funny, and lovable. Known as 'Happy Virus'. Park Chanyeol, I like him and I do really love him <3 ... His hair, down to his toes. He's really awesome. 

Real Name : Park Chan Yeol (박찬열)
Stage Name : Chanyeol (찬열)
Nickname : Wealthy Teeth, Happy Virus 
Super Power (Badge) : Flame (Phoenix)
Date of Birth : 27th November 1992
Place of birth : Seoul Special City

Nationality : Korean 
School : Hyundai High School
Height : 185cm
Position : Vocalist, Lead Rapper
Blood Type : A
Specialties : Playing musical instruments (guitar, drum, bass, djembe), rap, and acting 
Hobby : Hearing Music, Writing Lyrics, and Musical Instruments
Family : Father, Mother, Elder Sister
Favorite Food : Kalbi and Pork
Favorite Color : Black
Favorite Number : 21

Happy Virus does "Wolf Sign"

"Aegyo Battle"

Chanyeaol's Facts ;;;

  1. Chanyeol said : “My attractive is my low voice and my pretty teeth ? (laugh) everyone calls me ‘National Good Teeth’. i also know how to play guitar, drum, bass and djembe (drum Africa). My speciality is rapping and acting.”
  2. Join at SM in 2008 following SM Casting System
  3. Chanyeol and Kai appeared in TVXQ’s HaHaHa song CF, SNSD’s Genie MV (Japanese Version), and SNSD sub-unit TaeTiSeo’s Twinkle MV (as photographer)
  4. 2008 Smart Model Contest Winner (Silver Award)
  5. Chanyeol have white cat
  6. Chanyeol is Baekhyun's roommate
  7. Baekhyun says that Chanyeol breath so loud and he always sobbing before felt sleep
  8. Chanyeol's first favorite Idol group is TVXQ and his bias is U-Know
  9. Teaser member EXO-K Chanyeol is the last teaser for released
  10. many people said that his low voice doesn't match with his cute face
  11. Chanyeol thinks that he would be “Black Hole” at MAMA choreography, maybe because his dance not that fluent, but... thanks for Sehun and Kai, Chanyeol can do it ^^
  12. at high school, Chanyeol known as Ulzzang, and when Chanyeol join with SM, his friends didn't believe it, cause he never tells anything.
  13. Chanyeol is the last member of EXO
  14. Chanyeol is the tallest member after Kris
  15. if he fight with baekhyun, he will make first apologize
  16. He have girlfriend was, her name is Kim YeJin. Yejin is SHINEe's model for Amigo Music Video
  17. Chanyeol is a romantic person
  18. Many netizen agrees if Chanyeol have beautiful smile
  19. Chanyeol can play guitar, bass,and drum.
  20. Chanyeol like ‘One Peace’
  21. Chanyeol's symbol inEXO K is Phoenix (Fire-Flame)
  22. If there's chance, Chanyeol would be promoted as group band
  23. if Chanyeol can changes his style with anyone, he would never changes his lovely style with anyone.
  24. Chanyeol want to join Running Man
  25. Chanyeol would fell save if his hand link at somebody's arm
  26. Chanyeol's teeth has broke once when he eat chicken
  27. Chanyeol thinks if dance is the difficult thing that he learn when he was a trainer, cause he feels his body not that flexible
  28. Chanyeol is the fastest member in EXO
  29. Chanyeol take care of his teeth by brush his teeth 3 times a day after eating
  30. Chanyeol felt in love with drum after watched “School of Rock”
  31. Chanyeol's food is the biggest in EXO, his size up to 28 cm
  32. His ideal woman is who likes to smile and honest
  33. as a human, Chanyeol is a happy kid, humorist, easy-going and always care to each other
  34. Chanyeol like Hip Hop
  35. Chanyeol plays guitar better than drum
  36. Chanyeol always cheering, he'll claps loudly and very happy when talks about something funny
  37. Chanyeol said that he mad at Baekhyun cause Baekhyun has a new lover and it's baekhyun's I-Pad
  38. Chanyeol can play bass. he can also beat box and he learn all this stuffs by autodidact from Internet
  39. chanyeol's little sister ia a broadcaster. Chanyeol never told other members about it
  40. Chanyeol like to ask cosmetic product to Kris
  41. when he was little, chanyeol's friends always tease him about his big ear
  42. Chanyeol has rich family, that's why there's no negative things about him
  43. Chanyeol is visual in EXO beside Sehun and Kai
  44. Chanyeol call him self Happy Virus, because he want that he can brings happiness everywhere he is
  45. Chanyeol said that if he'll always protect Baekhyun cause he felt that Baekhyun have tiny body than him :D
  46. Suho, Lay, Kai, Sehun, and Chanyeol famous since they were trainer, specially chanyeol and lay who has fans club
  47. “No matter how difficult and hard something is, I will always be positive and smile like an idiot” – Chanyeol #EXOquotes
  48. Chanyeol and Baekhyun likes play online games
  49. If Baekhyun ask Tao to teach him Chinese, Chanyeol would ask for Kris
  50. A lot of Online Polling shows that they wants Chanyeol and Baekhyun to be duet couple
  51. Chanyeol and Kris is the laziest member for cleaning
  52. Chanyeol likes put his clothes for wash with Sehun's, so sehun can wash it too
  53. in the early days of the promotion, Chanyeol live in the same room with Kris
  54. in a fan sign event, there's fans who wears skirt, and chanyeol scold her right away
  55. Kris: “Chanyeol especially bright. And he is also loose and funny. He is not lame/cold.” happy virus #EXOfact
  56. Baekhyun and DO would be one team for bullying Chanyeol xD
  57. if Luhan stole snack from Lay, Chanyeol would stole Baekhyun's
  58. Kai and Chanyeol is called "pig" by other member cause they have huge appetite
  59. Chanyeol close with Kris too
  60. when Chanyeol sad, he will give over expression to Kris in order to make him happy
  61. Chanyeol so smart, he knows his strength and his weakness. he will show his strength and hide his weakness
  63. Chanyeol had thought that EXO is mix group when he saw Luhan. he thinks that Luhan is a girl, hha~
  64. Chanyeol loves doing 3 things the most: eat, sleep, bully Byun Baekhyun then Byun Baekhyun loves doing 3 things the most: eat, sleep, hit Park Chanyeol. LOL
  65. Baekhyun said that he always felt so comfortable beside Chanyeol cause he thinks that his self and chanyeol have common personal
  66. Kris likes to pat Chanyeol's back, meanwhile... Chanyeol like tease Kris with odd things :D
  67. Chanyeol really wants to meet Scarlett Johnson
  68. when the training, Chanyeol like to come late and go home earlier
  69. Chanyeol've laughed until almost hurt himself when Minho said that Kris is “Brilliant Rapper” LOL
  70. In Sehun's eyes, Chanyeol so funny. In Chanyeol's eyes, Sehun is “evil”
  71. Chanyeol expectation: Normal and cool man. Reality: Not really normal, happy virus and virus evil.
  72. Before sleeps, Chanyeol and Baekhyun would plays "scissors rock paper" and the loser will get penalty
  73. when arranges his clothes, he will arranges Chanyeol's as well. LOL

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